I decided that all of the birthday wishes that I would get today, I would route them to this post. So, read or scroll through this and leave me a comment.
Well, who knew that I would even make it this far? Decade SEVEN. Thanks for all of the birthday wishes!
Just some thought and tips about my blessings of 6 decades.
1. I’m Blessed with a Great Family
In the seventh decade, who gives a rip about some of the things we once worried about? I mean really?? I LOVE my family, and although I know I embarrass the snot out of my family (quite intentionally at times), they act like they love me and so does their mom – who (or whom…I’m supposed to be educated) I do not deserve.
Much of the stuff we all worried about for years just doesn’t seem to matter that much now. We just thought it did because it was our personal opinion. I’ve found that, as a Pastor, about half of what we call conviction from God on an issue is not that at all. Our emotions get involved and we sometimes get the true convictions of our faith confused with our personal preferences and opinions. If you think you don’t ever do that. Well, sorry. I will reverse the statement of a friend of mine. You got that wrong!
2. I’m blessed with a great Christian Heritage
Oh, but it’s much more than a Christian heritage. Actually I’m so fed up with religion, I could barf. But my faith lies in the one who DID NOT come to bring religions and denominations to earth. He came to bring himself to us and provide way to have a relationship with the literal Savior of the World. See my Personal Spiritual Values. I know what and why I believe more than I ever did and am concerned about so many peripheral Christian doctrinal differences that divide us.
If your a theology guy or gal, there are two fairly broad theological spectrums tossed about. I’m not an Arminian and dang sure ain’t a five point Calvinist – but I adhere to what many refer to as a “traditionalist” viewpoint in a lot of areas of theology. I rebelled in my youth – not against the Baptist faith and doctrine, but against their methods that were
about 100 years behind in 1980, so I started bands and played loud hippie Christian music in churches…
3. Blessed with Great Athleticism All Around
Oh, no – I don’t mean me. I was blessed with athleticism all around me. I always wanted to be a great basketball player. I wasn’t. But God playfully gives me a full-ride basketball scholarship wife who played in the national championship game the year before we were married 1987.
But, God says, when you get married -” the two shall be made one.” I am one with Annette. So, God said, “You always wanted to be a great basketball player? Congratulations, son. The two shall be made one.”
Yeah – music boy had a house full of athletes. Wife – full ride basketball scholarship. Child # 1 excelled in high school basketball, got a D2 tennis scholarship. Child # 2 excelled in volleyball and high school varsity basketball MVP two years straight. Child # 3 excelled in volleyball as well, winning and becoming the MVP of her final Region tournament. Me? Good grief.
4. Blessed With a Good Education and Opportunities
I am a product of public schools. I do firmly believe that home-schooling and private schools are great options and opportunities if you can make it happen. But most won’t and don’t. That’s why I will continue to encourage great leaders, teachers, school employees with solid Judeo-Christian values to stay in and keep making a difference in our public schools. I got WAY out of my comfort zone and ran for office 3 times. And I’m proud of what we did. I hear folks, who have no idea what goes on in our schools, throw all of them in a big pile and bash all public schools. Biting my lip.
Where I serve we have a staggering number of Christian coaches, teachers, FCA leaders (and in spite of my personal beliefs, we have to hold them accountable so they do not cross legal boundaries). And, incidentally, the men with whom I still serve, including the superintendent are some of the finest men of Christian character with whom I have ever been associated.
Students can take the initiative in clubs and extra curricular activities and pray and do what they wanna’ do with their religious freedom! I see it more in our local school system than I ever have. That’s why I get a little sideways when well meaning Christians lump every school system in the nation together as The Land of Satan…Lord, help me not to get on my soapbox. This post is too long already.
5. For the most part, I’ve rarely had a job that I didn’t like.
I built bands, wrote music, arranged all styles of Christian music and have been a part of some crazy-butt stuff. Any of you ever sung “Sweet Home Alabama” in two Sunday morning worship services? Yeah, I did many years ago. It was in a series we did called “Behind the Music.” I know…I can feel it, some of you just judged me and thought….he’s defin itely going to hell. Well, no. I’m not.
But I loved my jobs in ministry. Still do. I don’t do music very often any more, but after a period of a few months covering portions of 2015 and 2016, my perspective has changed and I see it as I deal with people (I will tell that story in a series of future posts). I still feel like I have the IQ of a door knob, but 2015-2016 helped prepare me for 2017-18 which, according to my pea-sized brain, just may have been some of the most important ministry years of my life.
6. I Had To Learn Some Unique Skills as a Local Elected official.
If you are crazy enough to run for an office, even if it is on one of the bottom rungs of the political ladder, you learn or die. And you develop a tough skin. I really wasn’t aware that someone with a fairly decent local reputation automatically becomes untrusted and a crook in some folks eyes when you get your name on a ballot. That was weird. People say crazy things (and really untrue) about you and your colleagues.
They will insult you like a dog AS THEY ARE ASKING YOU TO HELP THEM WITH A PROBLEM. Never figured that one out. What sense does that make? So, it took a while to let that stuff roll off my back. I didn’t have a lot of experience as a scoundrel.
7. GrandKids are here and more approaching.
I knew it was coming but didn’t really comprehend the limits of what you are willing to do. When I think of how big of a fool or jackass (Christian cuss word) you will become to make that child laugh, or knowing that we might just have to sell the back yard to finance what we want to give them.
Or how, when your first grand baby gets to the place where she reaches for you when you walk up. Now really, just take our politics, our arguments, our petty disagreements, some of which God cares nothing about, and just shut up and hug a kid…..well hush, Brian. Okay…I’m done.
I am a blessed man. I have readers in many parts of this country and Canada, but many of you who will be readying this post, played an important part in my first six decades and I love you and appreciate it.
Let’s buckle up and try another one.
Brian Sloan