
BrianSloan.net is devoted to the encouragement of those in the 2nd half of life’s journey. We target those close to 55 years of age and above. Baby boomers are one of the central target groups to which this site speaks.

Our slogan, Leading and Thinking. Differently. is designed to communicate and inspire the notion that, as we age we must continue to be strong leaders by being willing to change methods in various aspects of life, however, without changing our personal core values.

Readers are challenged to think differently. As times and culture change, methods of operating all kinds of projects and entities must make changes. We recognize that, as we age, we sometimes can be tempted to remain stagnant in our growth as leaders and innovators. We encourage our readers to strive to be intentional about remaining vibrant and open in their thinking, and their leading, and to always be ready to think differently.

We talk about life after 50 lifestyles, leadership, anti-aging, money-saving strategies, travel over 50, fun activities, and much more.

Although we target those 50 and older, we welcome any reader to our site and our email list.