Top, Name Brand, Discount Cell Phones or Computers?
Today it seems your chances are much better at finding what you need without having to sell your G.I. Joe or Barbie collectibles.
It’s amazing how we have arrived at a point in time where we pay the amount that we do for a cellular phone. I didn’t see it coming. It just happened, dang it! I’m aware of how expensive our cell phones are and certainly how much a good computer costs these days. Although there is a lot of competition in the PC market, Apple has a huge portion of the market for cell phones and they don’t budge at all on the retail price end. Of course, Android is ok as well, if that’s your preference.
Since one of the driving values of this website is to point out ways you can save a buck or two, I have to mention a company that I recently came across in researching money saving ideas for those who are gracious enough to read this blog.
Maybe a Really Good Option Here

Photo by William Iven on Unsplash
The company called “Gazelle” is now leading the nation in the category of consumer electronics “Re-Commerce” sites. A site such as Gazelle provides a fairly easy, fast, and very safe way for those who need to save a few bucks to get cash for their used electronics. Along with that, Gazelle will sell a customer a certified, modern, pre-owned devices such as popular cellphones and computers.
Normally when you see something listed as a discount cell phone, well…uh…you might know how well that puppy is going to work out. Sometimes not so good, huh? However, that doesn’t seem to be Gazelle’s record. Certainly, there are acceptions at times.
However, now you have a decent option when you get ready to purchase your next electronic gadget, cell phone, or otherwise, Gazelle will give you cash for those used gadgets of yours providing funds that you can use toward the nicer newer model that you want. These are categorized as newly certified, pre-owned devices that are sold on Gazelle.
Well Tested Products
So, as I have looked into it fairly well, seeing positive reviews, Gazelle is actually rewarding people for buying in a smart and environmentally responsible way. Heck, instead of trashing the device you have, Gazelle provides the original owners with a money-saving opportunity to exchange their old units for cash and then use that cash to find a good deal with Gazelle on a newer model that is certified, refurbished and tested well.
I did some checking into the process and checkpoints they use to declare a device as certified refurbished and ready to roll again. I was impressed with the amount of thoroughness that this company uses to deliver a high-quality product to consumers.
Thorough Inspection Process
As stated on the Gazelle website, “The Gazelle Certification process includes a rigorous inspection process involving a 30 point functional and cosmetic inspection. This ensures that the devices you order are in accurate cosmetic condition and perfect working order. Additionally, all devices are reset to factory settings prior to shipment.”
It does seem to be a good alternative for those who, for instance, may want a newer version of an iPhone, a certified MacBook Pro laptop, or a good version of the popular iPads (that I absolutely love). However, they might just not be ready to spend the retail price. It’s hard to find an inexpensive cell phone that you like. Using Gazelle looks like it can get you very close, if not spot on, what you want in an Apple or Android product and still leave you with lunch money!
They also provide an in-depth page on their site to make sure that the unit you want to order is compatible with your current service provider.
Successful So Far

Photo by Goran Ivos on Unsplash
Checking into this company a bit more, I found that they have been in business since 2008 and have paid out more than $200 million dollars to consumers for their unwanted technology and have bought and resold more than 2 million devices giving consumers a much more economically efficient way to upgrade to the latest technology. It seems to be a win-win for the consumer and Gazelle.
So, let’s sum it up, Gazelle basically buys high-end, used, consumer electronics and puts them through a number of rigorous testing procedures. The amount you get for your used phone or other electronic devices is based on the condition of the device. Then they put the used products through their 30 point check process, get them in as good shape as possible and sells them to the consumer who might not be able to afford the product at the retail price. ReCommerce? Yep, and Gazelle was very instrumental in helping pioneer this category. I didn’t know the term existed, but I knew these companies existed, and it seems Gazelle has done very well. They are recognized by an A+ Better Business Bureau rating and a 9.5 out of 10 Reseller Ratings review average.
I have not personally used Gazelle yet since I’m good with my current phone and other devices. However, with their good reputation, I’m certainly going to consider them in the future.
More info here at
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